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Apartment Recycling

Requires all businesses that generate four or more cubic yards of garbage per week and multi-family dwellings with five or more units to recycle.

Mandatory Recycling AB341


Governor Brown signed legislation AB341 which increases the state of California's waste diversion goal from 50 percent to 75 percent.


The law requires California commercial enterprises and public entities that generate four or more cubic yards per week of waste, and multi-family housing complexes (such as apartment buildings and mobile home parks) with five or more units to adopt recycling practices.


The purpose of the law is to :


  • Reduce garbage heading to the landfills

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

  • Conserve resources and increase the availability 
    of materials for recycled-content manufactures


Compliance with AB341 is easy with Emadco

All of us at Emadco recognize that change can be disruptive, especially to your business and your bottom line. This is why Emadco is proud to be working along side our AB341 customers to make the transition to greener , cleaner waste disposal practices simple , cost efficient and seamless. Emadco brings over 40 years of industry knowledge to work for you by utilizing our relationships with county  government and CalRecycle to ensure that we are up to date with current guidelines and able to provide the services and documentation you need to meet and exceed AB341 requirements.



Recycling is the law

To make sure you are in compliance
with AB341 please contact Emadco.


Click image to download a pdf of this document.

To learn more about AB341 law

visit the CalRecycle website

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Apartment Recycling Guide - What Can & Can't go in the Recycling Dumpser!

In recognition that multi-family recycling programs are extremely important for California's continued success in waste reduction, State Law now requires that apartment communities/multi-family housing with 5 or more units must recycle. For additional information about recycling and waste reduction please contact us.

All Recyclables go in recycling dumpster, 
No sorting!
  • All plastic bottles, cups & tubs

  • Glass, bottles & jars

  • Aluminum/tin cans & foil

  • Mail, magazines & office paper

  • Phonebooks & newspapers

  • Food boxes & paper packaging

  • Cardboard



  • Newspapers

  • Magazines

  • Catalogs

  • Phone books

  • Cardboard

  • Milk cartons

  • Drink boxes

  • Scrap paper

  • Shredded paper

  • Clean pizza boxes


  • Milk, juice, and cooking oil jugs

  • Soda and water bottles

  • Plastic cups & bags

  • Household cleaning containers

  • Shampoo, lotion, and soap bottles

  • Margarine and ice cream tubs

  • Yogurt cups & frozen food containers

  • Clean plastic flower pots


  • Glass jars and bottles


  • Soda & juice aluminum cans

  • Clean tin/steel food cans

  • Aluminum foil, pie pans & trays

  • Metal jar lids in flattened cans

  • Copper, brass & aluminum

  • Empty aerosol cans

  • Newly emptied, clean latex paint cans

Click image to download a pdf of this document.




For more information contact us.
  • Styrofoam

  • Clothes

  • Needles or syringes

  • Food waste

  • Green Waste

  • Waxed cardboard

  • Windows & mirrors

  • Latex or plastic gloves

  • Tissue paper

  • Electronics

  • Diapers

  • Garden Hoses

  • PVC Pipe

  • Wire

  • Rope

Click image to download a pdf of this document.

Serving the Oakhurst and the Mountain Community for over 55 years.

Emadco Disposal Service

P.O. Box 2386, Oakhurst, CA 93644

Phone: (559) 683-4680

Office Hours: Monday-Friday
8:00 am- 4:00 pm

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